Enjoy breakfast at the Lochsa Lodge followed by a day of cleanup, restoration, and a soak in the Weir Creek Hot Springs. Join us for World Cleanup Day and give back to your public lands. Come out, get your hands dirty, lend a hand, and enjoy a soak.
Trailhead: Weir Creek Hot Springs Trail, Lochsa-Powell RD, Nez Perce-Clearwater NF
Closest Town: Lolo, MT
**All volunteer trips are subject to change due to ever-changing fire activity.
Easy. This trail is about 1/2 mile long with 200ft elevation gain.
Easy. Work will involve cleaning up along the trail and trailside as well as some weed pulling. We will also be reducing campsites and naturalizing social trails.
Prior to the workday, we will be meeting at Lochsa Lodge to get to know each other and enjoy a delicious breakfast at 0800MST where you are welcome to join us! Following the meal, we will carpool or meet at the Weir Creek Trailhead at 1000MST. The group will be briefed on the objectives of the day. Cleanup and restoration will take a couple of hours followed by an optional soak in the springs. Throughout the day, you will learn about the history of the area, conservation efforts, and local flora and fauna.
There is no deposit for this event, however we ask you to register so we know how many people to expect and what tools to pack!